
Do you have a disability and want to work? Turn your interest into a business.

May 10, 2019

All things are difficult before they are easy. Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)

If you have a disability and want to work in Australia it probably comes as no surprise that it can be a frustrating uphill battle. The statistics prove it. In 2012 there were 2.2 million people living with a disability. 58.2% of them were unemployed.

For a long time funding from federal and state governments has focused on getting people with a disability into traditional paid employment. But this hasn’t worked even with legislation against discrimination. The ongoing social exclusion experienced by people with a disability has continued, and unemployment figures have remained the same for 20 years. 

Time for a different approach

It may come as a revelation, but people with a disability have a rate of entrepreneurship 50% higher than the average Australian. People have turned their interests into an income earning business. Read an SBS article about some highly successful people who have a disability and own a business.

The challenge of an average Australian starting their own business is great enough, but for someone with a disability it can be massive. In 2016 the University Technology of Sydney (UTS) undertook a study to uncover just what those challenges were. By understanding those issues, the aim was to pilot a program to help people with a disability to start their own business. You can read more about this project here.

Taking up the challenge

Beth Innes of Challenge Community Services in Newcastle took up this challenge for the people living with a disability in her area. She designed and secured funding for a program covering every aspect of establishing a business. Her efforts were rewarded on May 1, when seven participants presented their ideas at the Civic Digest in Newcastle. In attendance were business people, council staff and academics. These proposals covered, among other talented initiatives,  photography, online games modified for people with a disability, and pet minding and walking. Read the full story here

Benefits of self-employment for people with a disability

  • Empowerment – it increases independence and the ability of people with a disability to make their own choices
  • Which in turn gives them the freedom to choose their own destiny
  • They have the prospect of earning an income doing what they love, increasing their chances of a secure future
  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • There is prestige in owning and running your own business
  • It provides an economic and social contribution. It is a way to show the rest of the community that even with a disability you can contribute in a way that is equal to everyone else.

Is it for you?

Starting a business is not for everybody. But, if you have a disability and a talent you believe you can use to your advantage, the answer could be to start your own business. Here are some links to get you started.

The Federal Government –

Victoria –

Queensland –

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