
Looking to be more independent – even with a disability?

Jun 07, 2019

Many of us take living independently for granted. Not so for a person who has a disability. 60% require assistance with at least one activity in daily life. If you are one of these people, then you know that your ability to lead a fully independent life, can be restricted. It often means staying in the family home with an informal carer, such as your parent or sibling. While this is not such a bad option, it does become a problem if that carer becomes ill or, in the case of parents, too old to continue giving the care needed. For people with high or complex health issues being cared for in an aged care facility has often been the only option. It is recognised this option for young people with a disability is totally unsuitable. 

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Many people with a disability would like to be more independent. Their loved ones too, want to see that their lives are not limited by their disability. NDIS recognises the importance of this. How much happier would you be if you could live independently, as well?  

Funding is available to participants so providers, such as Care to Change, can provide tailor-made support to individuals.  You have control over what support you will receive and how you see what will happen to you in the future.

Types of support

Support can be as simple as assisting in showering and dressing, or building life skills. They can include, but are not limited to:

  • Cooking
  • Budgeting
  • Shopping
  • Catching public transport 
  • Accessing social activities

As part of the planning process Care to Change can help a person decide what support is needed to start with and build on these wherever possible. Catching public transport might be a major hurdle and may take a little time, but once mastered it opens up many other doors and more steps to independence.

For those who have the funding, 24-hour support is also available. A sleepover arrangement means someone is on hand if needed.

Types of accommodation

Care to Change provide these supports in your own home, even if you are living with your parents or another informal carer. You may be living in shared accommodation with others with a disability. Care to Change can support you whatever your situation.

Independent Living 

If you can afford to, and would to live on your own, Care to Change will help you to find suitable accommodation that caters for your particular needs.  We will also help you with the lease, so you understand your rights and responsibility. Once you are in your new home, your support requirements will still be taken care of and help you build your road to independence. 

Contact Care to Change and discuss what we can do to help you on the road to independence.

The Dreamhouse

In 2014, the ABC aired a six-part reality TV show where three people with a disability moved into a house with appropriate supports in place. You can read about it here.
At the end of the series, two of the three people remained in the home and were still there 12 months later supported by community carers.

If you would like to see the series, this is the link.

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